COSMOS team member Clayton Banks appointed to the FCC Communications Equity and Diversity Council (CEDC)

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The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel has appointed members to serve on the Communications Equity and Diversity Council (CEDC). As indicated in the FCC announcement one of the…

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Utilizing Digital Twin Technology to Optimize City Traffic – Grant to Support Research at the COSMOS Testbed

View original articleWhat if a virtual replica of a city could ease congestion? After a brief reprieve from bumper-to-bumper traffic early during the coronavirus pandemic, gridlock is back in New York…

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MixComm, a Startup Founded By COSMOS Co-PI Harish Krisnaswamy, Acquired By Sivers For $155M

Prof. Harish Krishnawamy and MixComm co-founder Frank Lane MixComm, a semiconductor company co-founded in 2017 by Columbia Electrical Engineering Professor and COSMOS co-PI Harish Krishnawamy, has been acquired by Sivers Semiconductors…

Continue ReadingMixComm, a Startup Founded By COSMOS Co-PI Harish Krisnaswamy, Acquired By Sivers For $155M
Read more about the article A paper on the open-access full-duplex radios in COSMOS Sandbox 2 was published in Elsevier Computer Networks
(a) The architecture of COSMOS Sandbox 2, showing the different FD radios available to experimenters. (b) A Gen-2 FD radio that has been integrated with a USRP N210 software-defined radio (SDR) in COSMOS Sandbox 2.

A paper on the open-access full-duplex radios in COSMOS Sandbox 2 was published in Elsevier Computer Networks

A paper about the open-access full-duplex (FD) wireless testbed in COSMOS Sandbox 2 has been published in a special issue of Elsevier Computer Networks. This paper outlines the integration of…

Continue ReadingA paper on the open-access full-duplex radios in COSMOS Sandbox 2 was published in Elsevier Computer Networks

NGIatlantic Funds a Collaboration Between Open AR Cloud (OARC) Association, COSMOS, and Rutgers/WINLAB

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NGIatlantic 3rd open call funds a collaborative project between Open AR Cloud (OARC) association, COSMOS, and Rutgers/WINLAB. The project is titled "Deployment and Evaluation of a 5G Open Spatial Computing Platform…

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A paper on the programmable and open-access millimeter-wave radios in the COSMOS testbed will appear in ACM WiNTECH’21

In a paper that will appear in the 15thACM Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & CHaracterization (WiNTECH’21), Prof. Tingjun Chen (Duke University) along with COSMOS team members from…

Continue ReadingA paper on the programmable and open-access millimeter-wave radios in the COSMOS testbed will appear in ACM WiNTECH’21