A paper on dynamic spectrum access experiments in the COSMOS testbed will appear in ACM WiNTECH’21

Prof. Carlos E. Caicedo Bastidas from Syracuse University (Syracuse, NY) collaborated with COSMOS researchers from Rutgers University and Columbia University, in the setup and execution of experiments that demonstrated the…

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Read more about the article FCC Announces Major Expansion of COSMOS Innovation Zone
In addition to significantly expanding the geographical boundaries of the COSMOS Innovation Zone, the FCC also allowed higher power transmission in millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies.

FCC Announces Major Expansion of COSMOS Innovation Zone

In addition to significantly expanding the geographical boundaries of the COSMOS Innovation Zone, the FCC also allowed higher power transmission in millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies. The beyond-5G testbed will now include…

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A paper about Automated Video-based Social Distancing Analyzer will appear in HotEdgeVideo’21

At the 3rd Workshop on Hot Topics in Video Analytics and Intelligent Edges (HotEdgeVideo’21), Columbia PhD student Mahshid Ghasemi will present the paper Auto-SDA: Automated Video-based Social Distancing Analyzer [1]. To assess…

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The COSMOS testbed featured in an IEEE Spectrum Article discussing SpectralDSP’s Experiments

 An IEEE Spectrum Article  discusses a variation on OFDM signals that could significantly lower peak to average power ratio (PAPR) and that has been developed and tested by the startup Spectral…

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A Paper by IBM Research on the Design and Implementation of the 28GHz Phased Array Antenna Modules in COSMOS Among the Finalists of IMS2021 Advanced Practice Paper Competition (APPC)

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IBM Research paper "Development of a Compact 28-GHz Software-Defined Phased Array for a City-Scale Wireless Research Testbed” was presented at 2021 International Microwave Symposium (IMS2021) during a virtual Late-News Session…

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COSMOS’ Tingjun Chen Receives the ACM SIGMOBILE Dissertation Award Runner-up

COSMOS team member and Columbia Electrical Engineering former PhD student Tingjun Chen received the ACM SIGMOBILE Doctoral Dissertation Award Runner-up, for his PhD thesis titled “Algorithms and Experimentation for Future Wireless Networks: From…

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SDN-Controlled Dynamic Front-Haul Provisioning, Emulated on Hardware and Virtual COSMOS Optical x-Haul Testbeds Demonstrated in OSA OFC’21

At the OSA Optical Fiber and Communications Conference (OFC 2021), a team that included researchers from the University of Arizona, Trinity College Dublin, and Tyndall National Institute - University College…

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Spectral DSP completed signal testing on the COSMOS testbed for its patent-pending waveform technology

Spectral DSP, a startup co-founded by Prof. Fred Harris, completed signal testing on the COSMOS testbed for its patent-pending waveform technology for efficient PAPR and power consumption reduction.  In the experiments, the DFT…

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Prof. Carlos Caicedo (Syracuse U.) presented results of experimentation with Spectrum Consumption Models (SCMs) to IEEE 1900.5 Working Group of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access and Networks Standardization Committee (DySPAN-SC)

COSMOS served as the platform where the first real-world implementation and execution of Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) interactions (in a civilian or academic environment) between Software Defined Radios (SDRs) was…

Continue ReadingProf. Carlos Caicedo (Syracuse U.) presented results of experimentation with Spectrum Consumption Models (SCMs) to IEEE 1900.5 Working Group of the IEEE Dynamic Spectrum Access and Networks Standardization Committee (DySPAN-SC)