COSMOS is a joint project involving Rutgers, Columbia, and NYU along with several partner organizations including New York City, CCNY, University of Arizona, Silicon Harlem, and IBM.

Dipankar Raychaudhuri
Dipankar Raychaudhuri

Principal Investigator, Rutgers University

Gil Zussman
Gil Zussman

co-Principal Investigator, Columbia University

Ivan Seskar

Program Director, Rutgers University

Sundeep Rangan

co-Principal Investigator, New York University

The Rutgers team and WINLAB will build on extensive research experience with wireless testbeds, software-defined radio technology, and mobile Internet architecture. WINLAB’s open-access, NSF-funded ORBIT wireless-testbed is currently used by researchers nationally to run controlled experiments at scale.

Dipankar Raychaudhuri

Director, WINLAB.

Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Marco Grusteser

Chair, ACM Sigmobile

Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering and Computer Science

Thu D. Nguyen

Department Chair and Professor, Computer Science

Ivan Seskar

Chief Technologist, WINLAB

Narayan Mandayam

Associate Director, WINLAB

Department Chair and Distinguished Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

James von Oehsen

Associate Vice President, Office of Advanced Research Computing

The Columbia team will build on ongoing research in mmWave, cross-layering and optical systems for wireless networks, and dynamic spectrum access. The team will leverage Columbia buildings and vehicles for the testbed deployment, which will also serve as a platform for community outreach.

Gil Zussman

Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Harish Krishnaswamy

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering

Zoran Kostic

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering

Alan Crosswell

Chief Technology Officer and Associate Vice President, Columbia University Information Technology

Daniel Kilper

Adjunct Professor

Henning Schulzrinne

Professor, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

Sharon Sputz

Director, Strategic Programs

Data Science Institute

The NYU team will build on its extensive experience with mmWave, design and operation of wireless testbeds, and using testbeds for STEM education.

Sundeep Rangan

Professor, Associate Director NYU WIRELESS

Shivendra Panwar

CATT Director, Professor & ECE Chair

Thanasis Korakis

Research Assistant Professor

NYC Team.

Joshua Breitbart

Deputy Chief Technology Officer at Mayor’s Office of the Chief Technology Officer, City of New York

City College of New York
Myung Jong Lee


Rosemarie Wesson

Professor and Associate Dean Page

The Arizona team will build on its extensive experience with Optical Networking

Daniel Kilper

Administrative Director at the Center for Integrated Access Networks and Research Professor

Social venture in Harlem
Clayton Banks

Co-founder and CEO

Bruce Lincoln


Alberto Valdes Garcia

Research Staff Member, Manager, RF Circuits and Systems